Tweed Hat, call back to me!

Beige-green Hatteras Herringbone Tweed 8-piece cap #347 by Stetson

Code: 18019

A clas­sic eight-piece cap from the global leader in high-class cap man­u­fac­tur­ing, the Amer­i­can Stetson brand.


In the 19th cen­tury Amer­ica, a wide-brimmed Stet­son hat was a sym­bol of suc­cess and wealth, for it was ex­pen­sive, served for a long time, and was in­stantly rec­og­niz­able.


To­day, this role is played by their caps that are also not cheap, they are sewn neatly from qual­ity ma­te­ri­als, and add to im­pres­sive­ness and charisma of their own­ers.


Stetson de­sign­ers man­aged to cre­ate a vo­lu­mi­nous eight-piece cap with its pro­por­tions ide­ally dis­trib­uted through­out the head­gear, look­ing like a har­mo­nious ad­den­dum to its wear­er’s head.


The cap is made of soft and dense her­ring­bone tweed in beige hues, with in­clu­sions of green, gin­ger, yel­low and other col­ors.


This is the cap model worn by Jason Statham’s char­ac­ter in "Hum­ming­bird". David Beckham is also a huge fan of Stet­son caps.


It fits both men and women.

About the country of production.

Stetson is the ma­jor in­ter­na­tional com­pany, they make hats all over the world. Some­times, even one cap model may have dif­fer­ent coun­tries of ori­gin in one batch. It does not in­flu­ence the qual­ity, for the qual­ity is in­vari­ably the high­est.


100% wool. Lining: 100% cotton.


Made in Bulgaria/China.


Eight-piece caps, Stetson brand, Herringbone, For women, For men, Green color, Peaky Blinders, Light colors, Made in Bulgaria, Wool.

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